Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Go to Pumpkin Patch Today?"

Owen knows that his party is going to be at the pumpkin patch, so he gets up every morning asking if we're going to the pumpkin patch today. Finally today, we could tell the poor kid, that yes, we're going to the pumpkin patch!
Family picture

Luckily the temperature was supposed to be nice, but we had some wind to deal with. We battled with tablecloths, had pizza boxes flying, mini-dust storms around us, etc. All in all, it was a great day given it was so late in October and it could have been cold, rainy, or snowing.

Owen and his friends had a great time painting pumpkins and opening all the gifts. He got a lot of great stuff, though I'm not sure where it's all going to go. We're going to have a lot of packing away of old stuff to make some room. Some of his favorites include the giant firetruck, his doctor kit, the tee-ball set, Thomas flashlight, and his jammies.

Getting ready to paint

Present time!

I wasn't sure how he was going to react to everyone singing to him, because he's freaked out before and it wasn't even his birthday. When we told him it was time to sing, he started saying "no sing Happy Birthday Owen!" but ended up sitting still and enjoying it. Because it was so windy, I don't think he actually got to blow out his candles, but he tried.

The dirt cakes

Cookie cake

Enjoying some dirt cake and gummy worms

Since it's the last weekend before Halloween, the place was pretty busy, so we decided not to do the hayride or the inflatable bouncers. I didn't think we'd have time to fit those, plus all of the other party stuff in anyway. Mike, Owen, Grandpa W, Uncle Steve, Aunt Tricia, Luke, Ben, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Erin decided to take a hayride after the party. Apparently throwing the hay was a lot more fun than the actual ride for the boys.

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