Monday, November 12, 2007

Hanging out with mom

Today was Veteran's Day, so I didn't have to babysit. We didn't have anything planned so Owen and I got to hang out together all day. We played out in the backyard with Bailey for a while in the morning. Owen had fun trying climb up and down the steps and he was semi-interested in his slide. We went to Penzey's Spices to get a shower gift later in the afternoon. Mmmmm, it smelled so yummy in there! Since it started raining and we couldn't play outside anymore, we headed to the mall play area. It's amazing to see how much Owen has changed in just a few weeks. He used to crawl around the play area, now he's walking around playing with the big kids. My baby's a toddler now and it's definately a bittersweet time. I'm having so much fun watching him grow and change, but at the same time it's sad that he's becoming so independent.

"The days are long, but the years are short."

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