Monday, January 5, 2009

One Month Old

Cameron is one month old today, I can't believe how fast it's going! My baby's getting so big! Owen loves his little sister, sometimes a little too much. He's always giving her kisses and hugs. She's currently 8 lbs exactly and 21 inches long (20% and 50%).

Our meetup group finally had an activity scheduled again, so Owen was happy to get out ofthe house. We haven't had many things scheduled with the groups because of the holidays. It was just the mall play area, but anything that distracted him from the fact that Mike was back at work was fine with me. Normally mall trips with him are fairly unpleasant because he hates riding in the stroller, but he was so good most of the day.

The only time he got in trouble was when we went to change diapers. Owen decided it would be fun to lock himself in a stall and not come out. Finally after threatening to not get him a cheeseburger, he decided it would be wise to unlock the door. It's amazing what a little bribery will do!
playing with his beloved trains

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