Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jury Duty Part 1

Jury duty, 8 childless hours. I was actually happy to receive my jury summons in the mail a few weeks ago, because I knew that it would be a nice break from Owen. We arranged for Grandpa W to watch him one day, Grandma and Grandpa T the next, and we'd figure something out if we needed more.

Grandpa W came over to our house for a while, but Owen ended up going over to his house to play. He apparently had too much fun chasing Murphy and Buddy; they all ended up passed out on the bed together. A nice 2 hour nap!

Jury duty was fairly uneventful early on. I was able to take a nap, read, watch some tv, and listen to my iPod uninterrupted. I walked to Union Station for lunch and to wander around since we had nearly 2 hours for lunch. Union Station is definately not as close to the court house as one may think, especially in the frigid cold. After lunch, around 3:15 my number was finally called. We were told that we would have to go across the street to the criminal court building, but just before we were about to leave the case was cancelled. Back into the jury pool for us on Wednesday.

Poor Owen didn't get to see much of mommy and daddy today. We had tickets to the Blues game and had debated whether we should take him or not. Thankfully Aunt Anne and Uncle Ces said they'd babysit. It's a good thing they did, our seats would not have been very child-friendly being as they were in the middle of the row. We had a good time at the game and Owen had fun with his aunt and uncle.

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